7 Billion People! 7 Continents! What Made 7 People The Most Successful?

Personal Professional Development (D-1-2)  [ Browse Items ]
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In search for an answer to know why only a few people become successful than the vast majority of others or as Brian Tracy would ask, why are the 1 “percenters” more successful than the 99 “percenters?,” I stumbled across Forbes’s list of 1,853 (One thousand, eight hundred fifty-three) richest people out of 7 billion people in the world as of 2016. I was particularly stricken by the wealth of the first 7 billionaires on the list. I asked: how can a very minute number stand out from the rest of us? Are they humans at all? What special abilities do they have that the rest of us lack? Can we be like them? My curiosity prompted me to carefully examine their individual stories with the sole purpose of identifying any common traits or abilities they may share. Interestingly, my findings highlighted seven (7) common success traits between them (abbreviated herein as VICTORS) that are hardly found in one specific individual at any given point in time. Each of the traits was analysed. The good news is that all of these traits are learnable! In other words, anyone anywhere can effectively learn and apply them and go on to be successful. Success leaves tracks! Thus if you want to be successful all you really need to do is to carefully follow the tracks of successful people. Ain’t no stopping you! At the end of it all, those who went on to become successful are humans like the rest of us. Alfred Mbeteh, March 2017 - from Amzon 
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